With all the delicious food that can be found during the holidays, it can be tempting to treat your kitty to human foods. But so many people foods are harmful to cats. Did you know that even tuna, which is used in many commercial cat foods, can be bad if your cat eats too much?
Dairy is another no-no for kitties, so that means no sharing leftover holiday party cheese and no sharing of Santa’s cookies and milk.
Speaking of holiday parties, it should go without saying that alcohol is toxic to cats and should be avoided at all costs. That means we must be careful of leaving holiday drinks unattended because even a very small amount of alcohol can be dangerous to pets.
For a comprehensive list of foods that are bad for kitties, please read this article and play it safe! If your cat gets into any of these foods and shows signs of lethargy or sickness, call your vet immediately.
Do you know of other foods that are dangerous for our pets? Leave a comment and let us know!