What Makes Your Cat Happy?


In these gray, cold, winter months, we’re always looking for ways to lighten up our spirits.   We should also keep our cats’ well being in mind.  Cats are intelligent, athletic creatures, always looking for physically and mentally stimulating activities.  When cats don’t have these, their attention turns to activities of their own choosing that we tend to think of as “bad behaviors”.

Case in point:  Have you ever caught your cat chewing or scratching something like your favorite upholstered chair?  Bad behavior = BOREDOM! 

Here’s how you can make sure your cat has plenty of great things to do.

  • Provide a variety of ways for your cat to explore.   Cats love discovering new places and objects.  They love smaller, stimulating toys.  There are smaller toys you can lay around the house, such as catnip-infused toys, with feathers, strings, corrugated cardboard, suede and other safe, chewable and kickable parts.


Then there are the interactive toys, automated toys designed to be activated by your cats, using their own curiosity and intellect.  Some of these toys can be suspended on doors, such as the Fling-ama-String, Play N Squeak Batting Practice, or the Tiger Mobile toy.  Others lie flat on the floor, with balls and other moving parts, such as our Cat Hurricane, Peek N Prize, Cats Meow Undercover toy and Kitty Go Round toy. 

  • Provide your cats access to levels other than just the floor.  Cats love climbing to high places and feeling like they are “in charge” of their environment.  Having a higher vantage point for your cats to watch the great outdoors (safely) or observe indoor goings-on provides hours of entertainment.  Cat trees and cat window perches are great solutions. Place cat trees by windows for your cats’ optimal viewing pleasure.  SIDE BENEFIT:  Cat trees are made with scratch-able materials such as sisal.  They really do use these vertical scratching surfaces, and it helps to keep them from scratching that favorite upholstered chair. 


  • Provide hideaways for your cat.  Cats love discovering places to hide.  Think of times when you’ve had to search for your cat, only to find him under the bed, behind the furnace, or in other unfortunate places.  Invest in a cat condo that is designed especially to meet the privacy needs of your cats.  You’ll be able to find them as well!  


  • Play with your cat.  In your cat’s mind, it’s their favorite
    kind of play. During daily play sessions with you, your cat can enjoy a greater degree of intellectual stimulation and aerobic activity. In particular, consider activities that allow your cat to exercise her hunting instincts. Toys that resemble prey, such as mice and birds, are ideal. Wand toys offer a perfect way for you to lure your cat into “the thrill of the chase”.


We’ve also taught our cats some fun tricks, such as fetching toy balls.  The toy ball should be light weight and small, such as a Loopies toy or a tinsel mouse.    Reward your cats with their favorite treats to encourage repetition.

Now, go make your cat happy!




Miraculous Story – Frozen Kitten Saved by Man With CPR

A small, white kitten camouflaged by freshly fallen snow, was discovered frozen by the Bingham children playing outdoors.

The seemingly lifeless kitten was rushed inside their house.  A quick thinking father called his vet trained brother, Justin, who rushed to the scene and started to work on the motionless kitten.

After Justin dedicated an hour of rubbing the kitten and pumping his chest in an effort to get his blood flowing (see video at: Lazarus Kitty ), the miracle baby started to revive.  By the end of the day, the little guy was up on his paws and meowing. KittenMiracleBaby

The family named him Lazarus, after the Bible story of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead.  Lazarus was adopted into the family, and is now romping energetically around their home.

Miracles  do happen!



Adopting a cat for the holidays? Think twice…there are some great alternatives!

Henry IMG_3901 We all know there are thousands of homeless cats of which some of the luckier ones residing at animal shelters have at least a fighting chance of being adopted into a good home.

December seems to be one of the most active months at shelters nationwide.  Well meaning people think of shelter cats as potential gifts for their friends or family members.  They’ve either overheard them talking about how nice it would be to have a cat at home, or assume that because they’re living alone, they should have a pet.  They’re trying to do a good turn for both the person and the shelter cat.

Before you move ahead with your gifting plans, think twice.

More “spur of the moment” adoption decisions happen at the holidays, with the perception that a cat would make an ideal holiday gift. Did you know that many animals adopted in December from shelters nationwide find themselves back at the shelters after the holiday season?  This is either because the “gift” recipients really aren’t ready to adopt a cat, or they never really wanted to adopt a cat.

College students who adopt cats or receive cats as gifts at the holiday season, or at any time of year will likely only keep them for a brief time.  First, their landlords may disallow pets.   Second, they can’t really afford them.  Finally, even if they are able to keep the cat for a semester or two, they end up leaving school for various reasons, including graduation.  What happens to the cat?  Students’ life changing plans abruptly disrupts the cat’s lifestyle as well.  Is this really fair to the cat?

Consider these alternatives to honor and assist a shelter cat at the holiday season:

  • Only adopt  a shelter cat when you’re absolutely sure you want and can afford her;
  • Avoid adopting cats for others.  Let them make that decision, and if they do, you can accompany them to the shelter if that suits them or, have them select a shelter cat, and then offer to pay the shelter the adoption fee;
  • Donate toys and other necessities to your local shelter.  Either deliver them in person or have the store of your choice ship them directly to the shelter.  Call the shelter ahead of time to find out what supplies they need and to make arrangements for delivery or drop off.
  • MyThreeCats.com ships directly to shelters – just add the shelter’s name and address as the Shipping address, and we’ll enclose a card with your name, address and contact information as the donor.  You’ll be enriching the shelter cats’ lives and donating to a worthy cause.  
  • Make a cash donation to your local shelter (as we do).  Many shelters have websites that accept on line donations.

Thanks for listening.   We wish you and your feline family a very merry holiday season!


International Cat Video Film Festival Coming to Your Neighborhood!

Since 2012, the year that Walker Art Center launched the first ever International Cat Video Festival in Saint Paul, the Festival has become so wildly popular that it has gone on tour!  In 2015, the International Cat Video Festival schedule included no less than 48 stops throughout the U.S. Scotland, Greece, Australia and Sweden!  A quote from The Associated Press on this groundbreaking event:  “Game over. Cats have won the Internet. At least that was the conclusion among the many attendees of the Internet Cat Video Festival on Friday. Decked out with cat ears and painted-on whiskers, they lined up around the block to do in a group what they already do in front of their computers: Watch amusing cat flicks.”
Associated Press

To see when this great event is coming to your neighborhood in 2016, click here.

Photo from the Walker Art Center website.


