Humane Society Pic

Here’s Jane Marcus, of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society, pictured with a new shelter cat!  Can you tell Jane likes cats?

This little guy, whose name is Furlington, has beautiful black fur that was badly matted when he arrived.  The kind shelter folks shaved him so his fur would grow back and transform him into his natural, handsome self.  Furlington is available for adoption now!



Office Cats – a Growing Trend


Whether you decide to pack up your cats and take them to work, or they invite themselves (permanently) into your home office, office cats are a popular and growing trend.

Here are a few reasons why it makes purr-fect sense to have an office cat:

  1. They assimilate well into the disorganization on your desk! Fresnel(3)

2.   They remind you that your briefcase is for them, not for your papers!


3.   They will either answer your phone, or, walk all over it, disconnecting you!  (CatBlogger:  cat-provoked hang ups actually happened to me, how many times has that happened to you?)

Soft edges on this humorous concept


4. They’ll write you reminders to (1) feed them, (2) play with them, (3) clean out the litter box and (4) anything else that comes to their (non) altruistic little minds.

Funny business concept - cat, pen and blank open notepad

5.  If they could they would google all of the cat toys on the internet. and order 6 of each!

The cat pulls a paw to the laptop screen

6.  They remind you to take time for a power nap.


7.  Before you know, it, your cat will totally take over your office.  Make sure you train him on how to answer the phone and write memos.


(CatBlogger Note:  Bogey, our long time shop and office cat, pictured above.  He DID take over my office and my life for 12 unforgettable, awesome years).


Does your cat bring you “the luck of the Irish?”

….when Irish cat eyes are smiling…..

As  St. Patrick’s Day draws near, we’d all like to have “the luck of the Irish”!

Do cats bring their humans good luck?   We have the “scoop” on this, from around the world!

North America and Europe:  

  • It is believed that white cats are lucky. To meet one and have it cross your path means good fortune is coming to you, at least if you greet the kitty politely and stroke her three times. It is considered bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.
  • A cat with three different hues in its coat will protect one against fire and fever.
    In Britain and Australia: The belief is the complete opposite: It is the BLACK cats that are lucky and the WHITE cats that are not!
  • A cat washing its ears is a sign of rain.
  • A cat running around like maniac means a storm is on the way.
  • In the theatre, a black cat in the audience on opening night signifies a successful play.
  • A sign that your neighbor is gossiping about you is when her cat pays a call and sits around, listening to your conversation.
  • An old belief is that on every pure black cat, there is a single white hair, and if you can find it and pull it out (without being scratched), it will bring you good luck as long as you keep it safe.
  • If a cat sneezes near the bride on her wedding day, she will have a happy marriage.
  • If you are setting out on a journey and hear a cat crying, find what she wants before you leave or you will have bad luck on your trip.
  • In tasseography, if you see a cat in your tea cup, it signifies false friends and deceit.
  • Celtic belief was that kittens born in May are badly-behaved.
  • In Germany, if a sick man sees two cats fighting, it means his death is near.
  • In Wales, it is believed that those who feed cats well will have sun on their wedding day.
  • A Manx cat is considered the luckiest cat to have aboard ship, because cats were supposed to raise storms with their tails. But with Manxes, having no tails meant fair sailing weather.
  • A French superstition is that if you tie a cat to a spot where five roads meet, then let it go, the cat will lead you to buried treasure.
  • Also,in France, if a girl accidentally treads on the tail of a cat, it will take her an extra year to find a husband.
  • Norse superstition is that the goddess of love and beauty, Freya, travelled stylishly in a chariot pulled by a pair of grey cats. To insure a good harvest, farmers would place a bowl of milk in the cornfields for Freya’s cats.

Far East:

  • In Indonesia and Malaysia, it is believed that washing your cat will bring rain.
  • The Chinese say a cat’s nose is always cold, but on the summer solstice, June 21, the cat’s nose becomes warm for one day.
  • An old Chinese belief is that a light-haired cat will bring it’s human silver, a dark-haired cat will bring it’s human gold.

Do you know any tidbits about luck and cats?  Let us know!

