Are you thinking about adding a cat to your family in 2015? Studies have shown that people who own pets have happier lives, less stress, and fewer illnesses, so we know there are definitely some amazing benefits that come with living with a cat.
But where will you find your new cat?
If you’re thinking about visiting a pet store or private breeder to look for your new furry friend, you should know that:
- Approximately 3.4 million cats enter US shelters every single year;
- Of those cats, 1.3 million are adopted;
- 1.4 million cats are euthanized in US shelters every year.
The real question is, why breed or buy while shelter pets die?
Why purchase a pet from a store or a breeder when there are so many perfectly healthy, perfectly adoptable options at your local shelter? There you’ll find cats of all ages, sizes, and breeds. And even though most shelters charge an adoption fee, your new pet will come to you already spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.

Little Minnie is a rescue cat who is settling into her brand new home. Did you know that black cats like Minnie are often overlooked in shelters, and it takes even longer for them to get adopted? Thankfully, Minnie beat the odds and now her days are filled with love and light. Shouldn’t every cat have such a happy ending?
How will you make a difference for shelter cats in 2015? Even if you can’t bring a new cat into your home, you can help spread the word by sharing this post with your friends. Let the world know that shelter pets make great family companions, and let’s save some lives.
*Statistics courtesy of the ASPCA.
I couldn’t agree more. When I was a child, we always went to the shelter to get our pet dog. Now, I have cats. But every one of them has been a former stray who came to my house and picked me. Which I am thankful for—the love and comfort they have given me and they saved me from having to make a hard decision of which one to rescue from a shelter. I have visited shelters before to donate toys and looked at all the pretty, pleading faces. It was so difficult not to take them all home.
Sharing to social media with love and *PRAYERS* for each and every kitten and cat in need of a loving, forever home — I work on social media 365 days a year advoCATing for cats only, and encourage others to do so as well, by crossposting on facebook and retweeting on twitter for cats in ACC’s, shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries, as well as homeless cats on the “streets” — each and every one is unique, beautiful, loving, and worthy of a loving permanent home. #AdoptDontShop #cats #kittens !
as a foster home for shelter cats, I totally appreciate this post