Did you know that the benefits of spaying and neutering your cat or dog go way beyond helping to control the pet over-population problem?
It’s true. Spaying and neutering can prevent unwanted health issues and also help you avoid behavioral issues with your pet. And contrary to popular belief, your pet can be “fixed” as early as 8 weeks old; it’s not necessary to wait until she’s older or has experienced her first heat. In fact, it’s better for her to not go into heat at all.
Take a look at this infographic filled with interesting facts and statistics about pets and spaying and neutering.

It’s easy to see that when it comes to the health and happiness of our pets, the benefits of spaying and neutering far outweigh the risks. It’s also good for the world because it prevents unwanted and unplanned litters of kittens and puppies.
For more information about spaying and neutering your pets, check out this helpful article from the ASPCA.
Spraying and neutering animals are something I do not necessarily agree with. I never like to go against nature. This must be resorted to only when doing so will benefit the animals and society in general
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