The Daily Cat: Celebrate International Spay Day

cat_chatInternational Spay Day is February 24, but Romeo is yowling outside your door and Juliet’s not going to make it that long—have her spayed before she goes into her first heat for the season! A female cat in heat can outsmart even the most observant owner, and there are already enough kittens for everyone not to mention the health risks she might face while “catting around”. Spaying is also riskier and more expensive when a cat is in heat, so catch her before it starts. And as a bonus, spaying your little Juliet before age one significantly reduces her lifetime chances of developing breast cancer, the third most common cancer among cats, and spaying before six months reduces it even more. So celebrate International Spay Day with cats all over the world on February 24.


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CatBlogger loves to blog for his friends at, an online store featuring just about everything your cat could possibly want or need.

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