Litter Box Research Reveals Health News


Cat owners can breathe a sigh of relief: Your feline’s litter box likely won’t put your family’s mental health at risk.

New British research challenges earlier beliefs that parasites in cat droppings might be linked to schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental health issues.

“The message for cat owners is clear: There is no evidence that cats pose a risk to children’s mental health,” said study author Dr. Francesca Solmi, of University College London Psychiatry.

Cats are carriers of an infectious parasite called Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). They may pass this infection on to humans through their feces. The researchers behind this study wanted to know if contact with cats during childhood raised risk for mental illness.

To find out, the researchers followed nearly 5,000 people born in the early 1990s until they were 18 years old. Specifically, the study looked at whether the participants’ mothers had a cat during pregnancy or if the participants grew up in a home with a cat.

(Source:  Health Daily News, WebMD, February 21, 2017)


Enter our Cattastic CatHaven Cat Contest!

Soft edges on this humorous concept


It’s time to enter our Cattastic CatHaven Cat Contest.  You and your cat(s) could win a Large, Multi-tiered CatHaven cat tree, delivered right to your front door!

Please read Contest Rules here.   Contest is for a limited time. Good luck!


CatHaven answers the question, how do I provide outdoor adventure to an indoor cat?

How do you solve the dilemma of having an indoor cat, but giving him/her access to outdoor adventure? We understand purr-fectly – we have the answer!

CatHaven’s green leafy foliage sets it apart, creating wonderful play and privacy areas that your cat will love.  This amazing cat tree is handcrafted with soft, silky realistic looking leaves, a sturdy, scratchable turf base and three perfectly spaced durable, comfortable carpeted perches attached to a realistic looking trunk.    

 Learn more about CatHavens here! We offer four styles to meet every human’s space requirements and every cat’s needs.    



Cat Takes Bullet for Child, is Hero

Opie is no longer an ordinary house cat.  Opie is a HERO.

A stray bullet entered the home of a York, PA family and, after bouncing off a couch, hit Opie. It may have hit the family’s son, instead.

The bullet skimmed Opie’s head and came out through his neck area, winding up across the room.  The mother is convinced Opie saved her son’s life.  Opie was taken to the animal hospital and was treated extensively for his wounds.  He survived the ordeal, and is currently resting at home.

See this video for more on this amazing story.  Of course, we all know, all cats are truly amazing.



