Bottoms Up! 9 Ways to Get Your Cat To Drink More Water

We all benefit from drinking more water and your cat is no exception.

Good urinary health is associated with drinking plenty of water for both humans and cats. Good hydration contributes to good digestive health, healthy skin and coat, and more.

Cats who don’t drink enough water are at risk of developing urinary tract issues like infections, urinary stones or, with some male cats…a blocked urethra.

The challenge is most cats don’t drink enough water because they’re just not that thirsty! Canned cat food is almost 80 percent water, so cats who eat it daily are getting the hydration they need from food.

  • Like a horse, you can lead a cat to water, but you cannot make him drink! You can make water more alluring to your favorite feline by trying the following strategies Ice it down! Place a couple of ice cubes into your cat’s food to add moisture. Some cats consider them a little treat! The ice ends up tasting like the food in the bowl, and while your cat licks the tasty cube, he’s getting extra water.
  • Add some ice cubes in your cat’s water to make it more interesting, too. Don’t be surprised if your cat starts to prefer icy cold water.
  • Make sure  there is fresh water in your cat’s favorite bowls throughout the house, or at least in the rooms where he spends most of his time.  Use several of your cat’s favorite containers.  The best bowls for cat food and water are made of nonporous materials that don’t trap bacteria. A cat’s whiskers are ultra-sensitive, so shallow, wide bowls make for kitty’s most comfortable mealtimes and encourage him to linger longer and drink more water. Check out the attractive assortment of modern bowls, feeding mats and fountains at
  • Change the water and wash the bowls and cups often.  You wouldn’t want to drink from a glass full of water that’s been sitting around for a few days; neither would your cat!
  • A little chicken broth or tuna juice might spice up kitty’s drinking experience. Add a bit to the water and see if she likes it.
  • Try a cat fountain! Fountains that provide clean, flowing water capture a cat’s interest. And, while it might take a couple of days for cats to get comfortable with a fountain, most like and even learn to prefer them. One of our favorite fountains is this ceramic option that can be enjoyed by multiple cats.
  • Including a high portion of high quality canned food in your cat’s daily diet is the easiest way to get more moisture into your cat’s diet. Better yet, most cats love it!
  • If an all-canned-food diet isn’t in your budget or your cat doesn’t take to it, try adding a bit of water or low-sodium chicken broth to his dry food for moisture content.
  • If you can, feed your cat more frequent, but smaller, meals. Eating usually encourages thirst so eating more often may get him to drink a little more, a lot more often.

Water intake is one of the most critical elements to good feline health, so make sure  your kitties always have plenty of tempting opportunities to  whet their whiskers!

Have you had success with other strategies to get your cat to drink more water? Share them with us in a comment below!



I Want to Celebrate Cats!

I have loved cats since infancy.  Or so my Mom used to say.  My first cat was a jet black, sleek looking cat named Ebony.  There’s a faded picture of my Mom lowering Ebony into the cradle to take a better look at me.  I don’t know if Ebony was that impressed, but I’m sure that I was!

Since then, after years of living with Ebonys, Taffys, Lilys, Bogeys and Chesters, with countless moments of joy and of sadness (at their eventual loss), I am still crazy about cats.  I was crazy about cats long before the internet’s love affair with them.  In fact, I even opened a cat shop in 1998 and appointed a newly adopted tuxedo boy named Bogey as our official shop cat. (now, you can shop at my website,

My heart has expanded with each cat experience.  So much so, that I couldn’t help sharing the passion.  Today, I serve on the Board at FosterCat, Inc., a Pittsburgh based network of foster homes and volunteers who rescue and save cats’ lives every day.

Cats are so tuned into us that they know when we are energetic, happy, stressed, sick, exhausted or grieving.  How many of you have experienced the comforting feeling of a cat tending to you while you lay in bed, sick or hurting?  It’s pretty special, whether they decide to catnap beside you, or tap your face with their little paw to say, OK, I’m here.  (Of course, LOL, they also use techniques to wake you up.)

The daily care giving time I have invested in my cats has been rewarded many times over with their unconditional companionship and affection.  Only those who have owned cats (or should I say, have experienced being owned by them) will understand this.

Anatole France made this observation:  “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remained unawakened.”  I wholeheartedly agree.








Bring out your indoor cat’s inner kitten with these easy ideas



Cats are intelligent, active creatures that need daily stimulation just like we do.

Help your cats to tackle boredom and keep undesirable behaviors to a minimum. Constant meowing, scratching furniture, and urinating outside the litter box are all behaviors that can be avoided with some simple solutions that will keep your feline companions entertained throughout the day.

  • Put a well constructed multiple tiered cat tree next to your window that has a scratching surface such as sisal.  They’ll happily gaze at birds, passing cars, and pedestrians. This is a simple activity that will occupy your cat for hours all year round.
  • Turn on pleasant, easy going music or play a CD of nature sounds to soothe and comfort your pet when no one is home.  Buy a cat sitter DVD with a continuous loop to entertain them.
  • Satisfy your cat’s need to climb by creating safe pathways to the tops of bookshelves and other high places.  If you have empty wall space, consider perch wall units that will accomplish this.
  • Indulge the natural hunting instincts in your cat by hiding treats or dry kibble in your home. Use a kitty diner that will provide your cats with a stimulating activity. The challenging activity appeals to the natural love of hunting and will stimulate them mentally and physically.  Change the locations frequently to keep things interesting.
  • Give your cat new toys to sniff, play with, and explore. These might be anything from catnip toys, puzzle toys, teaser toys and tunnels.  These are wise investments that will go a long way towards keeping your cat healthy and happy.
  • Teach your cats to walk on a leash or provide a secure cat enclosure for the yard. This will enable your kitties to enjoy some of the perks of being outdoors without any of the risks associated with them roaming free outdoors.
  • Treat your cat to quality one-on-one playtime and cuddle time as often as possible.

Your cats have a distinct personality just like you do, so why not try as many of these entertainment ideas as possible and stick to the ones they like best!



Smile! Enter’s Cat-TEE Giveaway wants to give away lots of (kitty) smiles!

Enter’s Cat-TEE Giveaway right meow.  All you need to do is click here to our Facebook page, find the’s Cat-TEE Giveaway posting, and enter.   You can also enter on our Blog, sign up using the Sign Up Email Form on the left side menu bar.  Do it right meow, giveaway entries must be posted no later than Sunday, August 26, 2018.

The winner of the Smile! Cat Tee Shirt (one size fits all) will be posted here and on our Facebook page.  This is a special cat tee that was designed by artist Stephanie Piro and appears to now be “off the market”.

All entries will also receive an email offer for a 15% discount on your next order at   That should really make you smile!

Click here for complete Giveaway rules.



Cats are Natural Yin Yang Creatures


Did you ever see cats looking like this?   Cats love living in an ordered world, including how they arrange themselves spacially as they eat, sleep, meditate, and play.   Oftentimes, two of my cats will perch themselves on the same living room window sill, facing each other in an identical pose, looking perfectly content with their arrangement and with the world in general.

We found a purrfect catnip toy for you that reflects your cats’ natural yin yang.  Click here to view and enjoy some savings if you order 3 or more.  Put some yin yang into your cats’ playtime!   01347_yinyangtoyMO
