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Customer and Friends’ Cat Photos
October Cat-toon by Scott Nickel
PA Rep. White Proposes Tax Credit for Adoption of Shelter Cats and Dogs

A PA State Representative, Jesse White, has introduced legislation that would provide a $300 tax credit to those adopting cats and dogs from PA animal shelters.
What motivated this proposal is the increased numbers of abandoned cats and dogs who find themselves homeless due to various factors such as the economic downturn and recent catastrophic flooding in the State.
Those supporting the bill believe that this would give people the incentive to choose their pet from local shelters, who have been experiencing fewer donations and grants. More shelter adoptions would mean fewer euthanizations due to overcrowded shelters.
The proposed credit would be per taxable year until 12/31/2013 and would apply to adoptions from a pound, shelter, society, or other protective or rescue association for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
Project PURR’nership
Have you ever wanted to have access to a full listing of shelters and animal welfare organizations across the U.S.? Look no further than www.MyThreeCats.com . We’re excited to announce our new shelter resource page, still under construction, but well along the way (we hope to have most states’ shelters listed by year end). Click the Project PURR’nership link at www.MyThreeCats.com and read all about this exciting project. If you happen to be a shelter or animal rescue, foster or welfare organization and want to be listed, please follow the instructions provided on the Project PURR’nership page. The Project PURR’nership resource is our way of saying thank you – to you, our good customers and visitors, and to our nation’s shelters and animal welfare organizations, for caring and making a difference in the lives of thousands of homeless cats and dogs.